Mylène Jansen

346 Chapter 16 Supplementary Table 3 : Change of KOOS 4 over 12 months according to the response of biomarkers to knee joint distraction by categories of relevant change (decrease, no change, or increase) over 6 weeks (see Methods) Analyte (reference category) Coefficient 95%CI P- value Activin A (no change) decrease 9.99 (-6.03 to 26.02) 0.20 LTBP2 (no change) increase 8.16 (-18.57 to 34.89) 0.52 TGF β -1 (no change) increase 6.62 (-5.72 to 18.96) 0.26 FGF-2 (no change) increase 5.52 (-10.26 to 21.30) 0.46 decrease 9.24 (-18.08 to 36.57) 0.47 TIMP-1 (no-change) increase 11.38 (-5.05 to 27.81) 0.16 decrease -5.68 (-42.42 to 31.06) 0.74 IL-6 (no change) increase 7.76 (-4.73 to 20.24) 0.20 decrease 2.95 (-23.53 to 29.44) 0.81 MCP-1 (no change) increase 10.41 (-4.55 to 25.36) 0.15 decrease 6.90 (-29.73 to 43.54) 0.69 IL-8 (no change) increase 17.63 (1.22 to 34.04) 0.04 decrease -4.32 (-23.27 to 14.63) 0.63 MMP3 (no-change) increase 5.14 (-18.06 to 28.33) 0.64 decrease 0.61 (-27.80 to 29.02) 0.96 N=15. P- values were calculated with Wald tests. CI: confidence interval; FGF-2: basic fibroblast growth factor; IL-6: interleukin 6; IL-8: interleukin 8; KOOS4: Knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score-4; LTBP2: latent- transforming growth factor beta-binding protein 2; MCP-1: monocyte chemoattractant protein 1; MMP3, matrix metalloproteinase-3; TGF β -1: transforming growth factor beta 1; TIMP-1: tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1; TSG-6: TNF stimulated protein-6.