Mylène Jansen

CT subchondral bone changes after KJD 385 18 Figure 4 : Trabecular bone density of patients with predominantly medial compartmental osteoarthritis (n=14), before and 1 and 2 years after treatment with knee joint distraction. In the first year after treatment, a decrease in trabecular density was seen throughout the entire joint, although statistically significant only for small areas on mostly the medial side where this decrease was up to approximately 80 HU over the first year (Figure 5). Between 1 and 2 years after treatment, a (non-significant) increase throughout almost the entire joint was seen (~40 HU), except for a statistically significant decrease around the medial tibial eminence. Although differences between the medial and lateral side were less pronounced than in patients with medial compartmental OA, also patients with predominantly lateral compartmental OA showed a general decrease in trabecular bone density throughout the joint (Supplementary Figure S2).