Mylène Jansen

434 Addendum: Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae Mylène Paulien Jansen was born on May 10th 1992 in Zevenaar, The Netherlands. After attending secondary school at the Liemers College, from which she graduated cum laude in 2010, she moved to Enschede to study Technical Medicine at the University of Twente. During her bachelor she followed the extracurricular Excellence Stream, a mathematics program for which the best students of a number of technical studies are invited. She obtained her bachelor degree cum laude in 2013, after which spent a year as full-time board member of European student association AEGEE-Enschede as Secretary, Officer Internal Affairs & Officer European Affairs. She then started the master Technical Medicine, choosing the master track Medical Imaging and Interventions because of her particular interest in imaging techniques. As part of this track she obtained her certification to work with ionizing radiation (radiation safety level 3). During the master’s program she did internships at the Medical Spectrum Twente, University Medical Center Utrecht, Radboud University, and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston (US), all of which involved using medical imaging techniques to improve patient care. She performed her graduation research at the department of Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology at the University Medical Center Utrecht, aiming to develop a 3D joint space width measurement technique using CT scans of osteoarthritis patients. After graduating in September 2017, she immediately continued as a PhD candidate at this same department, under supervision of prof. dr. F.P.J.G. Lafeber, dr. S.C. Mastbergen, and dr. R.J.H. Custers. In 3.5 years, she predominantly researched knee joint distraction as a joint-preserving treatment for knee osteoarthritis, using various imaging techniques and personally collaborating with external research groups and (imaging) experts in the field, such as the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, East Anglia, and Salzburg. To further deepen her knowledge, she recently took a course ‘Deep Learning for Medical Applications’ at the University of Twente. Her work during these years thus far led to 9 peer reviewed publications, a letter to the editor, and an additional 7 manuscript submissions (all except 2 as first or last author) described in this thesis. Additionally, she contributed to work of colleagues in the field of osteoarthritis, as represented by a co-authorship. She intends to stay on as a postdoctoral researcher, to use the knowledge she gained in the past years to apply medical imaging techniques and keep researching joint repair and its relation with pain.