Margriet Kwint

General introduction and outline of thesis 1 17 Part III Acute esophagus toxicity In the last part of this thesis, prediction models for acute esophagus toxicity (AET) were analyzed and optimized after CCRT. Toxicity is nowadays scored in an electronic toxicity registration in the electronic medical record at the NKI, and with that, the (real world) data of treatment related toxicity can accordingly much easier be collected compared to the analog medical record. This real world data of toxicity scoring can be used for auditing toxicity prediction models. In chapter 6, the dose effect relation of AET and dose volume parameters of the esophagus for patients treated with CCRT are investigated. In this study, NTCP-models of AET of IMRT are compared with 3D-CRT. In chapter 7, the validity of real world data derived from an electronic toxicity registration is assessed. The electronic toxicity registration of AET before and after dose-de-escalation for the 2 cohorts as described in chapter 2 are used to validate the NTCP-models of AET for CCRT for NSCLC patients. The general discussion and future perspective of this thesis are described in chapter 8.