Margriet Kwint

Safety and efficacy of reduced dose and margins 35 2 Table 3a: The acute toxicity, scored according to the CTCAE, represented in relative and absolute numbers, as well as the maximum grade of toxicity. Separately reported for the reference-cohort (N=170) and the reduction-cohort (N=138). Adverse event G2 G3 G4 G5 P-value (≥G2) Reference Reduction Reference Reduction Reference Reduction Reference Reduction Fatigue 6.5% (11) 7.2% (10) - - - - - - 0.788 Anorexia 12.4% (21) 3.6% (5) 11.2% (19) - - - - - <0.001 Dysphagia 48.2% (82) 37.0% (51) 12.9% (22) 3.6% (5) - - - - 0.001 Cough 11.8% (20) 1.4% (2) - - - - - - 0.001 Dyspnea 8.2% (14) 1.4% (2) 0.6% (1) - - - 2.4% (4) - 0.009 Radiation pneumonitis 6.5% (11) 1.4% (2) 1.8% (3) - - - 2.4% (4) - 0.012 Pulmonary toxicity 20.6% (35) 4.3% (6) 1.8% (3) - - - 2.4% (4) - <0.001 Hemoptoe 1.2% (2) - - - - 0.6% (1) - 0.292 Total number of patients 58.8% (100) 50.7% (70) 15.9% (27) 5.1% (7) - - 2.9% (5) - <0.001 Table 3b: The late toxicity, scored according to the CTCAE, represented in relative and absolute numbers, as well as the maximum grade of toxicity. Separately reported for the Reference-cohort (N=170) and the Reduction-cohort (N=138). Adverse event G2 G3 G4 G5 P-value (≥G2) Reference Reduction Reference Reduction Reference Reduction Reference Reduction Fatigue 3.0% (5) 1.4% (2) 1.2% (2) - - - - - 0.294 Dysphagia 4.7% (8) 0.7% (1) 3.0% (5) 0.7% (1) - - 0.6% (1) - 0.063 Cough 7.1% (12) 1.4% (2) - - - - - - 0.018 Dyspnea 5.9% (10) 5.8% (8) 2.4% (4) 1.4% (2) - 0.7% (1) 1.8% (3) 0.7% (1) 0.697 Radiation pneumonitis 15.3% (26) 10.9 (15) 3.5% (6) 1.4% (2) 0.6% (1) - 1.8% (3) 1.4% (2) 0.428 Pulmonary hemorrhage 1.2% (2) - 0.6% (1) - - - 0.6% (1) 0.7% (1) 0.477 Vertebral fracture 2.4% (4) - 1.2% (2) - - - - - 0.082 Brachial plexopathy 0.6% (1) - - - - - - - 0.365 Chest wall pain 2.4% (4) 2.2% (3) - - - - - - 0.910 Total number of patients 25.9% (44) 19.6% (27) 7.6% (13) 2.2% (3) 0.6% (1) 0.7% (1) 2.9% (5) 2.2% (3) 0.110