Jeroen van de Pol

131 5 How does the general public balance convenience and cognitive pharmaceutical services Supplementary material Table 1: Background characteristics of the research population and the Dutch general public. Background characteristic Study group N = 516 % (n/N) Starting study population N = 799 % (n/N) NIVEL Consumer Panel N = 11,894 * Dutch general public (%) ** Gender • Male 49.6 (256/516) 51.7 (413) 50.3 (5,983) 49.6 (8,527,041) Age (average ± SD) 51.1 ± 13.7 53.6 ± 15.2 N.a. N.a. Educational level: • Low • Middle • High 7.7 (39/516) 45.7 (231/516) 46.6 (236/516) 10.7 (83) 45.6 (355) 43.7 (340) 20.4 (2,366) 51.2 (5,944) 28.4 (3,294) 31.2 38.1 29.3 Ethnicity: • Dutch • Migratory background 90.4 (461/516) 9.6 (49/516) 90.9 (721) 9.1 (72) 91.1 (10,825) 8.9 (1,063) 77.4 22.6 Number of chronic diseases: • 0 • 1 • 2 • 3 • More than 3 30.7 (156/516) 28.3 (144/516) 21.4 (109/516) 10.6 (54/516) 9.0 (46/516) 31.1 (244) 29.6 (232) 19.5 (153) 11.2 (88) 8.7 (68) N.a. N.a. Number of medicines in use: • 0 • 1 • 2 • 3 • More than 3 26.4 (136/516) 27.4 (141/516) 16.1 (83/516) 13.6 (70/516) 16.5 (85/516) 25.9 (190) 27.5 (202) 15.4 (113) 13.5 (99) 17.8 (131) N.a. N.a. Patient perceives pharmacist as a healthcare provider • Fully agree • Agree • Disagree • Fully disagree 17.9 (87/516) 55.3 (268/516) 23.1 (112/516) 3.7 (18/516) 18.2 (116) 55.6 (354) 21.4 (136) 4.9 (31) N.a. N.a. * Brabers AEM, Reitsma M, De Jong J. Consumentenpanel Gezondheidszorg; Basisrapport met informatie over het panel (2015). ISBN 978-94-6122-303-6. ** Central Bureau for Statistics. Https:// Visited on May 13 th 2019.