Jeroen van de Pol

145 5 Preferences of patients regarding community pharmacy services: A discrete choice experiment Figure 2: Data flowchart. RLH = Root likelihood and states the consistency of chosen preferences of a participant. Table 1: Basic characteristics of participants. Characteristic N=2,462 * Gender (male), % (N) 54.1% (1,333) Age, mean (SD) 65.3 (10.8) Educational level, % (N) • Low (none, primary school or pre-vocational education) • Middle (secondary or vocational education) • High (professional higher education or university) 21.4 (526) 36.1 (888) 41.2 (1,015) Ethnicity, % (N) • Migratory background • Non-migratory background 3.4 (85) 95.8 (2,358) Number of medicines in use, mean (SD) 4.6 (3.3) Urbanization, % (N) ** • (Strongly) urbanized • Slightly urbanized • (Strongly) rural 47.3 (1,145) 21.0 (509) 31.7 (770) * Percentages not cumulating to 100% and numbers not adding up to 2462 indicate missing values. ** Urbanization was defined as: (strongly) urbanized as ≥ 1,000 inhabitants/km2; slightly urbanized as 500-999 inhabitants/km2; (strongly) rural as < 500 inhabitants/km 2.