Jeroen van de Pol

156 Chapter 5.2 Attribute Information screen (before the choice tasks) Tooltip (during the choice tasks) Ways of communicating with pharmacy team You can visit or call the community pharmacy, but sometimes it is possible to come in contact online. Attribute: You can visit or call the community pharmacy, but sometimes it is possible to come in contact online. Level: Visiting or calling You can only visit or call the community pharmacy. Level: Visiting/calling and online You can also communicate with the pharmacist via e-mail or chat. Availability of patient’s medication record The medication record contains your medical data that is known at the pharmacy. You can apply for a paper copy at the pharmacy, but sometimes it is possible to open your medication record online. Attribute: The medication record contains your medical data that is known at the pharmacy. You can apply for a paper copy at the pharmacy, but sometimes it is possible to open your medication record online. Level: Only on paper You can get a printed version of your medication record at the pharmacy. Level: On paper and online You can also see your medication record online. Table 2: Drop-out rate of participants within the questionnaire. Page # Subject Description Accessed by # participants Point of drop-out for # respondents 1 Welcome and introduction Welcoming and thanking participants for participating. Giving a short introduction. 3,697 0 2 Question: Gender Question: Age 3,697 149 3 Introduction fictitious scenario Introducing that a fictitious scenario will come up at the next screen. 3,548 76 4 Fictitious scenario Providing a fictitious scenario of two new to settle community pharmacies within a town that has no community pharmacy yet. Participants want to subscribe to one of the two pharmacies and have to state a preference. 3,472 41