Jeroen van de Pol

164 Chapter 6 In addition, CBC can be used for both patients and other healthcare providers to research preferences regarding new community pharmacy operating models. So CBC can aid in the further investigation of preferences that different stakeholders may have regarding the separation of CPS and dispensing and online community pharmacies. Results of this thesis within a broader perspective To achieve an increased focus of community pharmacists on the provision of CPS, behavioral change is required. Therefore, the results are discussed in a broader perspective, according to the COM-B model on behavioral change. This model describes the relationship between three necessary conditions to change behavior: capability, opportunity, and motivation [14]. Opportunity and capability may influence motivation, and all three can influence behavior. Furthermore, behavior can influence capability, motivation, and opportunities (see Figure 1). Figure 1: COM-B model for understanding behavior [14]. Capability is the individuals’ capacity to engage in a certain activity. With respect to this study’s topic, capability focuses especially on the knowledge and skills of community pharmacists [14]. Community pharmacists may experience a lack of knowledge (e.g., regarding pathophysiology or interpretation of lab results) and skills, such as clinical reasoning and consulting techniques. Such a lack of capabilities can independently and through decreased motivation affect the provision of CPS [15-17]. Opportunity includes factors that facilitate an individual’s behavior. For community pharmacist, such factors may be the availability of time and resources and the expectation of society regarding their role [14]. Similar to a lack of capabilities, a