Jeroen van de Pol

176 Chapter 6 Generate short-term wins Short term wins need to be recognized, collected, and communicated as early and often as possible to keep motivating the frontrunners among community pharmaciststoimplementCPSindailypractice[13].Organizingsmallimplementation pilots (consisting of around five participating community pharmacies) is the most appropriate way to generate short-term wins. These pilots have to focus on the following: 1. The identification of best practices of CPS implementation 2. Evaluating the added value of CPS a. On the individual patient level b. On a societal level c. On the GP practice level. 3. Alternate reimbursement models favoring CPS provision. Regarding the first point, frontrunners’ successful implementation of CPS will identify best practices that can help other community pharmacists implement CPS in daily practice. These frontrunners may play a pivotal role in smaller pilot groups of community pharmacies when implementing (new) CPS services. Frontrunners who have implemented CPS successfully in the past will most likely uncover best practices that other community pharmacists can build on. In addition, these frontrunners should preferentially be positioned in different contextual situations (such as varieties in urbanization and demographics). By doing so, barriers and facilitators accompanying each contextual situation can also be uncovered. Furthermore, these pilots need to be organized over at least an entire year to identify time-bound factors influencing the implementation of CPS. Eventually, these pilots need to lead to CPS services no longer being project-based, but continuously provided to patients. Within these pilots, the role of pharmacy technicians in the implementation of CPS should receive ample attention. The added value of CPS should be investigated in multiple ways within these pilot settings. This investigation can best be accomplished through continuous monitoring. Monitoring will provide stakeholders with insights into the added value of CPS as well as developments over time. The results will have to be communicated to different stakeholders. When trying to motivate more community pharmacists to participate in these pilot settings, frontrunners among community pharmacists should be involved as ambassadors, such as the community pharmacists that participated in the DREAMeR trial. This involvement could inspire other community pharmacists to participate.