Jeroen van de Pol

191 A Summary However, participants did find it important that community pharmacists offer CPS. This is most likely from a societal viewpoint in which participants consider the needs of others or their own future need. Participants who did prefer CPS over convenience were generally older of age and used more medicines. This means that it is necessary for community pharmacists to address the needs of patients regarding convenience of services their offering, but at the same time should also offer appropriate CPS. Also, community pharmacists dealing with a patient population consisting of largely elderly that are using multiple medicines, more focus needs to be put on CPS. Chapter 5.2 further investigates preferences regarding community pharmacy services but focuses on more advanced services by chronic users of medication who probably had more experiences with community pharmacies than those discussed in chapter 5.1. For this research, a discrete choice experiment was used focusing on latent class analysis. The questionnaire containing the DCE was completed by 2,462 panel members. This study identified four groups of patients. The first group preferred online services, the second did not have clear preferences for new services, and the third and fourth groups preferred different types of CPS. The third group had a preference for counselling with the provision of prescription drugs for minor ailments without a doctors’ prescription, and the fourth group preferred point-of-care-testing (POCT) by the community pharmacist. Patients visiting community pharmacies can have a diverging set of preferences regarding services being provided. In daily practice, community pharmacists should provide both convenience and CPS related services to address this diverse set of preferences. The results found within this thesis are put in a broader perspective and based on this, advice is being provided for both community pharmacists and the profession as a whole and also to different policymakers. The different factors identified within this thesis are further discussed using the COM-B model. The COM-B model is useful in getting insights into what conditions need to change to realize behavioral change. These encompass capability, opportunity and motivation. Thereafter, suggestions are being made regarding next steps to be undertaken in this change process according to Kotters’ 8-step change model. Community pharmacists need to ensure an efficient dispensing process accompanied with patient-centered counseling. Preferences of patients regarding short waiting times and extended opening hours should play a leading role in this regard. This is seen as a necessity for the future implementation of CPS. Next to this, community pharmacists need to be fully capable and competent in providing CPS. This requires multiple skills and knowledge, such as communication techniques and clinical reasoning. These topics are more prominent in current