Jeroen van de Pol

193 A Summary premises of a GPs practice. It is expected these pharmacists will be better capable of spending more time on CPS, but questions can be raised regarding the quality of entire healthcare system. After all, this will lead to a further fragmentation of the healthcare system and society as a whole is less able to benefit from the combination of knowledge of the community pharmacist, combining knowledge on CPS and distribution. Preferences of patients can act as a strong motivator for community pharmacists. Patients with hands-on experience with CPS provided by community pharmacist are highly satisfied regarding these services. Patients with previous positive experiences are more likely to call on community pharmacists in the future to provide CPS. This can create a positive feedback loop that can act as a strong motivator for community pharmacists. At the same time, community pharmacists need to continuously prove the added value that CPS can offer and communicate this with both patients and other healthcare professionals. It is expected that the demand for CPS provided by community pharmacists will increase by doing so and especially the support from GPs will enable community pharmacists to fully implement CPS in daily practice. Concluding, community pharmacists hold great potential on a societal level and on the individual patient level. Currently, community pharmacists are not utilized to their full potential. This thesis has identified both barriers and facilitators for community pharmacists to redirect their main focus toward CPS provision. Now, the professional bodies, regulators, policymakers, and payers must fully facilitate and enable community pharmacists to focus on CPS provision. Also, this can be considered a call to community pharmacists to fully demonstrate their potential and to seize the challenge to help the profession into the next phase.