Jeroen van de Pol

40 Chapter 2.1 Supplementary material Table 1: Main activities and subcategories used in the smartphone application. Main activity Subcategory Level of professionality Cognitive pharmaceutical services Medication use review Professional Care-related contact with a patient (not a medication review) Contact with another healthcare professional(s) about a patient (not a medication review) Periodic meeting with GPs and pharmacists on prescribing policy Updating clinical information from patients Clinical rules Logistics Contact with a patient about logistics Stock management Semi-professional Processing a recall Stock-taking Non-professional Processing orders from the wholesaler Organizational activities Contact with other healthcare professionals for organizational reasons Professional Preparing or attending work meetings General organization management Semi-professional Quality assurance Supervising an audit Professional Working on the quality manual Semi-professional General quality assurance management Investigating customer satisfaction Investigating satisfaction with other healthcare professionals Human resource management General employee management One-on-one conversation with an employee, e.g. job performance evaluation Professional Supervising an intern Hiring new employees Semi-professional Making and updating work schedules Employee administration, e.g. salary, worked hours etc. Non-professional Household chores General housekeeping tasks Non-professional