Jeroen van de Pol

41 Pharmacy in transition: A work sampling study of community pharmacists using smartphone technology 2 Main activity Subcategory Level of professionality Finances Assessing contracts with health insurance companies Professional Checking declarations and authorizations Semi-professional Administrative tasks for patients Registering cash money in cash register and/ or safe Non-professional General financial administration Dispensing process Processing prescriptions Semi-professional Filling prescriptions Checking filled prescriptions Hand out filled prescriptions to patients Preparing or checking a prepared drug Copying prescriptions for the digital archive Non-professional Final check of prescription Checking for inappropriate prescribing and possible distribution errors Professional Clinical risk management Checking for inappropriate prescribing and faulty drug combinations Professional Education Following a refresher course Professional Teaching a refresher course to others Studying work-related literature Rest Taking a break at work Non-professional Non-professional encounters and other Conducting research for other institutions Professional Processing mail and e-mail Semi-professional General chat with other healthcare professional(s) Non-professional General chat with a patient