Jeroen van de Pol

46 Chapter 2.2 Abstract Background Community pharmacy is undergoing a transition, shifting focus from traditional roles to the provision of cognitive pharmaceutical services (CPS). However, traditional activities performed by community pharmacists reduce the amount of available time for implementing and providing CPS. Therefore, hampering the community pharmacist in the transition. Objective To identify characteristics of community pharmacists that spend more time on CPS and to identify activities that especially compete with time spent on CPS by community pharmacists. Setting Daily community pharmacy practice. Method Self-reporting work sampling using smartphone technology was used to register the activities of community pharmacists. Participating pharmacists recorded their current activity five times per working day for 6 weeks and also completed an online survey about baseline characteristics. Main outcome measure Time utilization. Results Ninety-one Dutch community pharmacists provided work-sampling data. The results showed that community pharmacists are predominantly spending less time on managerial activities when spending more time on CPS (from 25,7% to 14,5%, p=0.016). Pharmacists who are spending more time on CPS, want to spend even more time on direct patient contact compared to pharmacists who spend less time on CPS (p=0.030).