Jeroen van de Pol

50 Chapter 2.2 were found in previous research [11]. The groups are cognitive pharmaceutical services (CPS), pharmacy management (PM), quality assurance (QA), logistical processes (LP) and other (see Table 1). Table 1: Activity groups. Detailed information regarding each activity group can be found in [11] and supplementary material table 1. Composed activity groups Activity groups from [11] Cognitive pharmaceutical services Cognitive pharmaceutical services Pharmacy management Organizational activities Human resource management Finance Quality assurance Quality assurance Final check of prescription Clinical risk management Logistical processes Logistics Dispensing process Other Household chores Education Non-professional encounters and other Rest Statistical analysis Participants who did not complete the online survey or responded to less than 30% of generated alerts were excluded from analysis. Results are presented as the average percentage of alerts that were recorded into one of the five activity groups. Three groups of participants were formed based on the amount of time spent on CPS. Descriptive statistics were calculated for each group based on background information. Univariate analysis was conducted on the characteristics and the amount of time spent on the five activity groups. Due to the non-parametric distribution of the data, Mann-Whitney U tests were performed in the univariate analysis when dealing with dichotomous variables. When dealing with more than two variables, Kruskal-Wallis tests were performed. Statistical analysis were performed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 23.0.