Jeroen van de Pol

60 Chapter 2.2 Supplementary material Table 1: Main activities and subcategories used in the smartphone application. Composed activity group Activity group from [10] Sub activities belonging to activity group from [10] Cognitive pharmaceutical services Cognitive pharmaceutical services Medication use review Care-related contact with a patient (not a medication review) Contact with another healthcare professional(s) about a patient (not a medication review) Periodic meeting with GPs and pharmacists on prescribing policy Updating clinical information from patients Clinical rules Pharmacy management Organizational activities Contact with other healthcare professionals for organizational reasons Preparing or attending work meetings General organization management Human resource management General employee management One-on-one conversation with an employee, e.g. job performance evaluation Supervising an intern Hiring new employees Making and updating work schedules Employee administration, e.g. salary, worked hours etc. General employee management Finance Assessing contracts with health insurance companies Checking declarations and authorizations Administrative tasks for patients Registering cash money in cash register and/or safe General financial administration Quality assurance Quality assurance Supervising an audit Working on the quality manual General quality assurance management Investigating customer satisfaction Investigating satisfaction with other healthcare professionals Final check of prescription Checking for inappropriate prescribing and possible distribution errors Clinical risk management Checking for inappropriate prescribing and faulty drug combinations