Jeroen van de Pol

70 Chapter 3 Results Study population A total of 166 community pharmacists participated in this study. Baseline characteristics are shown in Table 1 and are representative for the overall population of Dutch community pharmacists [26]. In total, 148 out of 166 pharmacists were included in three different groups (Table 2). Supplementary material table 1 shows detailed background information of the participants in the different groups. Table 1: Characteristics of the participants. Characteristic of the participants Total population (N = 166) Age, years (mean ± SD) 40.0 ± 10.7 Female gender, n (%) 103 (62.0%) Working experience in years (mean ± SD) 13.5 ± 10.0 Type of pharmacist, n (%) • Resident and owner • Resident in paid employment • Non-resident in paid employment 33 (19.9%) 92 (55.4%) 41 (24.7%) Working hours per week (mean ± SD) 37.0 ± 6.4 More than one pharmacist in the pharmacy, n (%) 107 (64.5%) Table 2: Distribution of participants among the three defined groups. Characteristic Group 1 2 3 N = 76 N = 27 N = 45 Explained variance (%) 29 12 18 Cumulative (%) 29 41 59 Correlation between groups 1 2 3 1 1.00 0.51 0.77 2 0.51 1.00 0.46 3 0.77 0.46 1.00 Q-analysis of the Q-sorts supported seven groups in total. Only three groups were chosen as the most desirable solution. These three groups cumulatively explained 59% of the variance in the dataset with a total of 148 of 166 participants included in one of these three groups. An analysis with 7 groups would explain only 11% of additional variance and the four additional groups contained less than 5 participants each.