Jeroen van de Pol

71 How community pharmacists prioritize cognitive pharmaceutical services 3 Table 3 shows how a participant would rank the 48 activities when completely agreeing with one of the 3 groups. The activity groups are organized alphabetically. Table 3: Ranking of activities per group based on type of activity in alphabetical order. CPS: Cognitive Pharmaceutical Services, PM: Pharmacy Management, QA: Quality Assurance. + indicates a consensus activity (15 and 16). # Activity Activity group Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 2 Maintaining the local drug formulary CPS 0* -4* 0* 3 Diagnostics(e.g. blood pressure, glucose level or cholesterol levels) CPS -1* -4 -4 5 Organizing an informational session for patients CPS 0* -4* -1* 7 Having a leading role within the primary healthcare organization CPS 2* -3* 0* 9 Organize and start healthcare projects with other healthcare providers CPS 3* 0* 2* 13 Counselling patients to improve medication adherence CPS 2 1 0* 22 Providing advice on OTC products CPS 0* 1* -2* 28 Prepare and lead the pharmacotherapy quality circles between GP's and pharmacists CPS 3 0* 2 33 Updating lab results in the patients' files CPS -1* 2* -2* 34 Discharge counselling CPS 2 2 0* 38 Counseling at first dispensing of a new medicine CPS 1* 3* -1* 41 Patient interview for a medication review CPS 4* 2* 1* 42 Discussing the results from a medication review with the GP CPS 4 4 4 43 Updating patient files CPS 1 1 0 44 Analyzing the medication of a patient in light of a pharmacist-led medication review CPS 4 3* 4 45 Checks and intervention based on clinical rules (e.g. stop start criteria) CPS 1 2* 1 46 Clinical risk management of drug-drug and drug-disease interactions and other potential prescribing errors CPS 3 4* 3 1 Stock taking Logistics -4 -3* -4 17 Adjusting stock parameters based on sales Logistics -2 -2 0* 18 Adjusting stock to the preference of health insurance companies or to achieve optimal margins Logistics -2* 0 -1 27 Adjusting stock in computer based on stock taking Logistics -3 -1* -3* 4 Compounding medicines Logistics -1 -2 -4*