Jeroen van de Pol

81 How community pharmacists prioritize cognitive pharmaceutical services 3 Table 2: List of all 61 activities of whom 13 were discarded (strikethrough in the table) and 48 remained for this study. # Activity 1 Stock taking 2 Maintaining the local drug formulary 3 Diagnostics(e.g. blood pressure, glucose level or cholesterol levels) 4 Compounding medicines 5 Organizing an informational session for patients 6 Releasing a compounded drug 7 Having a leading role within the primary healthcare organization 8 Perform and analyze the results from customer satisfaction research 9 Organize and start healthcare projects with other healthcare providers 10 Salary administration 11 Performing a prospective risk analysis 12 Looking for a refresher course for supporting pharmacy staff 13 Counselling patients to improve medication adherence 14 Judging pharmacotherapeutic and pharmaceutical rationality of requested compounded drugs 15 Finding an alternative supplier in case of drug shortages 16 Making a work schedule 17 Adjusting stock parameters based on sales 18 Adjusting stock to the preference of health insurance companies or to achieve optimal margins 19 Accounting 20 Filling prescriptions and checking filled prescriptions 21 Performance appraisal of supporting staff 22 Providing advice on OTC products 23 Cashing out the cash register 24 Judging the need to repeat a prescription 25 Analyze complaints by customers and mistakes made at the pharmacy 26 Checking financial indicators 27 Adjusting stock in computer based on stock taking 28 Prepare and lead the pharmacotherapy quality circles between GP's and pharmacists 29 Claiming provided medicine and care related activities at healthcare insurer 30 Updating the quality manual 31 Informal contact with patients and healthcare providers 32 Organizing a staff work meeting 33 Updating lab results in the patients' files 34 Discharge counselling 35 Post graduate education or reading professional literature