Joeky Senders

12 Chapter 1 number of large and superficial lesions, lesions with mass effect, and when control of the primary disease can be achieved. 14 Stereotactic radiosurgery or radiotherapy is used as adjuvant therapy, as well as monotherapy in patients with comorbidities precluding surgery or metastases that are irresectable due to their location and spread. Immunotherapy and hormone therapy can be viable treatment options as well, depending on the primary site and molecular subtype. 14 Applied machine learning Clinical decision-making for patients with a malignant brain tumor should be performed on case-by-case basis given the heterogenous nature of the disease and the profound impact of surgical and adjuvant treatment strategies. As such, the clinical characteristics and personal preferences of the patient should be considered together with the biological profile of the tumor to tailor clinical management to the individual patient. The advent of the electronic health record system and complex diagnostic modalities used in neurosurgery provide a vast array of clinical information (e.g., free- text, imaging, histology, genomics) with the prospect of improving and personalizing future patient care. However, the high dimensionality and complexity of these data sources preclude clinicians from utilizing this information to its full potential. FIGURE 1. Difference between general programming and (supervised) machine learning. Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. 15 Machine learning is the branch of artificial intelligence that allows computer algorithms to learn from experience without explicitly being programmed. 16 As such, they have the ability to unlock unique insights