Joeky Senders

148 Chapter 8 in the TF-IDF vectorizer, and l1 regularization were presented as hyperparameter settings. The following hyperparameters were optimized for the deep learning models: dimensionality of the embedding layer, dropout, kernel size, l1 regularization, l2 regularization, learning rate, max pooling window, number of convolutional layers, number of dense layers, number of filters in the convolutional layers, number of nodes in the dense layers, report length, type of optimizer, and vocabulary size of the tokenizer. Embedding and convolutional layers constitute the most instrumental layers in deep learning models used for natural language processing. In the embedding layer, a word can be represented by a vector of numbers instead of a single number. 16 These numbers represent the coordinates of a word in the embedding space and as such reflect the semantic relationships between individual words. Convolutional layers capture local interactions among nearby words by applying transformations with smaller one-dimensional filters on local regions of the input data. 25 Convolutional neural network (CNN) models are characterized by these layers and currently widely investigated because of their strong potential for image and text processing. Among the deep learning-based models, we therefore specifically compared the best performing CNN with non-convolutional neural network architectures. Explanations of the other hyperparameters are provided in Supplementary Table S1. Evaluating final model performance Training of the final models and evaluation on the residual hold-out test set was bootstrapped 100 times for each training fraction and model. The predicted outcomes of the natural language processing models constituted a probability of belonging to a histopathological class. Therefore, model performance was measured according to the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). 26 The AUC is a measure of discrimination and represents the probability that an algorithm will rate a randomly selected case (i.e., category of interest) higher than a randomly selected non-case (i.e., all other cases). Model performance was pooled and weighted across the histopathological subclasses and plotted against the size of the training sample to construct each algorithm’s learning curve. Based on these learning curves, we determined the minimal size of the training sample required to reach the AUC performance thresholds of >0.95 and >0.98. All models were trained and evaluated in Python version 3.6 (Python Software Foundation, using the Scikit-learn libraries. Figures for the incremental model performance were made in R version 3.3.3 (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria, . 27