Joeky Senders

192 Appendices Hassanin Alkaduhimi, Luis Baptist, Paul Ogink, Olivier and Vincent Groot and all my other Bostonian friends; although the current thesis only reflects the academic work performed in Boston, you guys have been responsible for the unforgettable memories created here. Bas Evers, Bastiaan van Hoorn, Daan Donkers, Floris-Jan Pieters, Geert Kronemeijer, Guido Houben, Kaz de Bruijn, Maarten Buitenhuis, Maurits Barendregt, Rafael van der Steen, Roan Vlutters, Sander Genissen, and Thierry van Benten; a diverse group of friends and personalities characterized by mutual appreciation and knowing how to put things in perspective. Thanks for providing the dynamic social environment in Utrecht and Amsterdam. Bob Vonk, Bob Logjes, David Toledo, Frits en Jelle van Schooten, Salo Oof, en Stijn van Roessel; thanks for the inspirational discussion groups fueled with focus and creativity. Stijn Franssen and Hans van Lennep; although we still pretend to grow up, I am grateful to see little has changed since we became friends as eleven-year-olds. Bastiaan van Hoorn, Bob Logjes, and Thijs Kuiper; the greatest and most memorable experiences in the past decade all started as random ideas in one of our minds. You guys have always stimulated and joined me in experiencing life and the world to the fullest extent. Pap, Mam and Opa; thanks for your unconditional love and support. You have raised me with a sense of positivity that enabled me to dream big and dare to fail. Although the path I have chosen is very different from yours, your support and understanding still helps me with each and every step on the way. Tim Senders; dear brother, once the two of us were planning on going into the circus together as acrobats. Along the way, we have discovered and experienced a multitude of equally extraordinary adventures. Now, only one of us has made it into the circus and the other one is making successful television shows. I still look up to you as my older brother and best friend. Puck Nijssen, dear Puck, you are a whirlwind of positive energy, as well as a loving and caring person with a natural ability to connect with others. Thanks for entering my life in the last chapters of this thesis. Looking forward to add many more chapters with you in my life.