Joeky Senders

31 Thirty-day outcomes after craniotomy TABLE 2. Complication incidence rates and time-to-event data within 30 days after craniotomy for primary malignant brain tumors. Complication Thirty-day cumulative incidence (%) Median time-to- event in days (IQR) Occurrence during initial hospitalization (%) Major complication a 12.9 9.0 (2.0-18.0) 82.3 Any complication 16.4 9.0 (2.0-18.0) 76.3 Length of stay - 4.0 (3.0-8.0) - Length of stay > 10 days 15.6 - - Death within 30 Days 2.6 16.5 (10.0-23.3) 37.9 Reoperation 5.1 12.0 (3.0-20.3) 51.6 Readmission 11.5 16.0 (10.0-23.0) - Non-routine hospital discharge 31.1 5 (3.0-9.0) - Neurological complications Cardiovascular accident 1.4 2.0 (1.0-8.5) 73.3 Cardiovascular complications 0.5 9.5 (2.0-17.5) 63.2 Cardiac arrest 0.3 10.5 (3.25-17.0) 66.7 Myocardial infarction 0.2 6.5 (1.25-18.0) 56.3 Hematologic complications 3.7 14.5 (8.0-22.0) 33.5 Deep venous thrombosis 2.6 13.0 (7.0-21.0) 39.6 Blood transfusion 0.2 NA NA Pulmonary embolism 1.5 17.0 (9.0-23.0) 27.1 Pulmonary complications 3.0 3.0 (2.0-9.0) 78.2 Unplanned intubation 2.1 5.0 (1.0-12.5) 71.2 Failure to wean from ventilator 1.9 3.0 (2.0-6.0) 91.5 Renal complications Renal failure 0.1 12.0 (10.0-15.0) 40.0 Infectious complications 6.3 11.0 (6.0-18.0) 43.1 Surgical site infection 2.2 15.5 (11.0-21.0) 20.1 Pneumonia 1.6 8.0 (4.0-16.5) 65.3 Urine tract infection 2.3 10.0 (7.0-15.0) 48.5 Sepsis/Septic Shock 2.1 11.0 (7.0-18.0) 46.8 Abbreviations: IQR=interquartile range, NA=not available. a Defined as cardiovascular accident, cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, unplanned intubation, failure to wean from ventilator, acute renal failure, sepsis, septic shock, deep incisional or organ space surgical site infection, return to the operating room, or death within 30 days.