Joeky Senders

37 Thirty-day outcomes after craniotomy comorbidity have been identified as predictors in glioma patients, 11,12,14 and higher ASA-classification, dependent functional status, steroid usage, emergency status, and longer operative time as additional predictors in brain tumor patients overall. 7 TABLE 5. Multivariable logistic regression identifying predictors of death within 30 days after surgery. Predictor Definition Death OR 95% CI p Age Per 10 years change 1.54 a 1.35-1.75 <.001 Gender Female Ref. - - Male 1.01 0.79-1.54 .56 BMI Per 5 Kg/m 2 change 0.96 b 0.83-1.09 .52 ASA-classification I-II Ref. - - III 2.70 1.49-5.40 .002 IV-V 5.95 3.11-12.37 <.001 Functional status Independent Ref. - - Dependent 2.46 1.52-3.83 <.001 WBC count ≤12,000/µL Ref. - - >12,000/µL 1.58 1.12-2.21 .008 Model fit AUC 0.76 0.72-0.80 <.001 ASA=American Society of Anesthesiologists, AUC: Area under the curve; BMI=Body Mass Index, CI=confidence interval; OR=odds ratio; p=p-value; WBC=white blood cell; For all tests, p<.0015 was considered significant. a Inflated β-coefficients to odds ratio per 10 years increase. b Inflated β-coefficients to odds ratio per 5 kg/m 2 increase. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that uses the NSQIP registry to provide a comprehensive overview of the incidences and predictors of all clinically significant short-term outcomes after craniotomy focusing on the specific group primary malignant brain tumor patients. Additionally, it provides a time-to-event analysis for all complications, visualizes trends in complication rates over a seven- year time period, and investigates reasons for reoperation and readmission. Lastly, this study identifies novel predictors for short-term major complications (higher ASA-classification, higher BMI, elevated WBC, and longer operative time), increased length of stay (higher ASA-classification, dependent functional status, elevated WBC, low hematocrit, and ventilator dependence), reoperation (higher ASA-classification and elevated WBC), readmission (higher ASA-classification and dependent functional status) and mortality (higher ASA-classification and dependent functional status) after craniotomy for a primary malignant brain tumor.