Joeky Senders

93 Glioblastoma survival calculator TABLE 1. Baseline characteristics for the training and hold-out test set. Characteristic Definition Training set (n = 16,656) Hold-out test set (n = 4,165) p n % n % Age (years) <50 2900 17.4 695 16.7 0.505 50-70 9781 58.7 2456 59.0 >70 3975 23.9 1014 24.3 Mean ± SD 60.5 ± 13.8 60.7 ± 13.9 0.179 Sex Female 6872 41.3 1717 41.2 0.982 Male 9784 58.7 2448 58.8 Race White 14821 89.0 3710 89.1 0.509 Black 1018 6.1 238 5.7 Asian 741 4.4 201 4.8 Other 76 0.5 16 0.4 Hispanic No 14993 90.0 3735 89.7 0.533 Yes 1663 10.0 430 10.3 Married No 5535 33.2 1305 31.3 0.021 Yes 11121 66.8 2860 68.7 Insurance Insured 14503 87.1 3636 87.3 0.717 Uninsured/Medicaid 2153 12.9 529 12.7 Laterality Left 7779 46.7 1901 45.6 0.469 Right 8714 52.3 2222 53.3 Midline 163 1.0 42 1.0 Location Frontal lobe 5001 30.0 1219 29.3 0.377 Temporal lobe 4901 29.4 1270 30.5 Parietal lobe 3071 18.4 770 18.5 Occipital lobe 875 5.3 206 4.9 Ventricle, NOS 79 0.5 14 0.3 Cerebellum, NOS 125 0.8 39 0.9 Brain stem 75 0.5 12 0.3 Overlapping lesion of brain 2529 15.2 635 15.2 Tumor extension Confined to primary location 14007 84.1 3536 84.9 0.295 Ventricles 653 3.9 144 3.5 Midline crossing 1996 12.0 485 11.6 Tumor size (mm) <25 1539 9.2 382 9.2 0.387 25-50 9380 56.3 2393 57.5 >50 5737 34.4 1390 33.4