Tamara van Donge

Chapter 10 204 B2M ! $ mg L ( = 2.11 − 0.114 × ! [ ] + 0.00578 × # ! [ ] BTP ! $ mg L ( = 0.958 − 0.0604 × ! [ ] + 0.00252 × # ! [ ] SCR ! [µmol/L] = exp(2.98 + 0.0735 × ! [ ]) KIM1 ! [ng/L] = exp(7.31 − 0.0633 × ! [ ]) ALB ! [g/L] = 36.4 + 0.236 × ! [ ] CYSC ! [%&.() *+,-.] $ mg L ( = −0.27 × ! [ ] + 0.044 × ! [0: , 1: ] CYSC ! [0&.() *+,-.] $ mg L ( = 0.003 × ! [ ] + 0.044 × ! [0: , 1: ] Eq. 1 Eq. 2 Eq. 3 Eq. 4 Eq. 5 Eq. 6a Eq. 6b Both NGAL and URO did not show any significant association between age, sex or weight. Predicted mean and 95% reference interval for NGAL were 40.0 µg/L (95% CI (1.4 – 78.6)) for all ages. For URO, predicted mean and 95% reference interval were 145.9 µg/L (95% CI (17.4 – 274.4)) for all ages (Table 4). We found a positive correlation between CYSC and ALB, B2M and BTP (p < 0.001, Supplemental Figure S1). A positive correlation between SCR and ALB and CYSC was observed (p < 0.05) and a negative correlation between SCR and KIM-1 and BTP was observed (Supplemental Figure S1). Positive correlation between BTP and B2M was detected (p < 0.01). There were no significant correlations otherwise.