Tamara van Donge

Reference intervals for kidney biomarkers in pediatrics 211 10 girls, decreased with age until approximately two years of age and increased thereafter. For healthy pediatric infants, children and adolescents, no significant age-dependency could be identified for NGAL and URO. These results highlight the importance for further evaluation of these kidney function and injury markers in early detection, and enhanced monitoring of kidney injury related to underlying diseases or nephrotoxic drugs in pediatric patients. Declarations Acknowledgements We like to thank all patients and parents, physicians, nurses and other medical staff from the short stay units and the hospital wards together with the Departments of Surgery, Anesthesia, ENT and Orthopedics for facilitating blood sample collections and participant recruitment. Thomas Erlanger (Clinical Trial Unit, Department of Clinical Research) is acknowledged for his assistance concerning the sample size calculation. Additionally, we want to thank Mrs. Hillmann for her assistance regarding the lab measurements. We also like to thank the study nurses from the Ambulatory Study Center for their assistance with participant recruitment and sample preparation. Author contributions TVD, ES, JVDA, TW and MP conceived and designed the study. TVD and TW collected the data and were responsible for data management. LR provided the means for the analysis for the samples. TVD, VG and AA performed the statistical analysis. TVD, ES, VG, JVDA, TW and MP contributed to the interpretation of the results. TVD and TW wrote the draft of the manuscript. All authors provided critical feedback and helped shape the research, analysis and manuscript. Research funding This project has been supported by the Eckenstein-Geigy Foundation and was part of the national SwissPedNet and SwissPedPha consortia. Competing interest This funding organizations played no role in the study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of the data or in the writing of the manuscript.