Tamara van Donge

Appendices 276 greatly from your guidance and advice during the PhD internship at Roche. Your expertise and experience in clinical pharmacometrics, combined with your industry perspective is an incredible valuable addition to this PhD Committee. To all the co-authors of the papers written during my PhD, I am very grateful to you for your invaluable scientific input and I enjoyed our collaborations. Hereby I would like to extend a special word of gratitude to: Dr. Allegaert, beste Karel, thank you for the fruitful collaboration and contribution to this thesis. The willingness to share large amounts of data, after spending hours in excel, ensured that we were able to solve an important piece of the puzzle with regards to the maturation of the kidney in extreme preterm neonates. I highly value that you are always available and you have taught me the importance of keeping the momentum. I appreciate your imminent knowledge on neonatology, with the unique ability to recommend relevant papers from the top of your head. Dr. Bielicki, dear Julia, I am grateful for your time and supervision on especially the antibiotic-related projects. I appreciate your open-mindedness towards the impact of modeling and simulation and your perseverance to communicate this to other clinicians as well. I enjoyed our scientific discussions and sharing our mutual astonishment and frustration on some of the current dosing practices. With the initiation of new projects, application of grants, conduction of clinical studies, performing clinical duties, educating students, and many more, you are a true role model for women in science. Dr. Samiee-Zafarghandy, dear Samira, thank you for the wonderful collaboration on several projects which are included in this thesis. I respect your motivation and talent for multitasking, combining obtaining a masters degree in pharmacometrics together with clinical duties is admirable. I greatly enjoyed our collaboration and appreciate all the effort you have invested in the conduction of the clinical studies. Dr. Gotta, dear Verena, thank you for your support on modeling questions, your knowledge and willingness to guide students are truly inspiring. Thank you for your guidance on several projects, without you I probably would never started this adventure in Basel. Dr. Welzel, dear Tatjana, your experience in clinical research is so valuable. Without you many studies would not have been possible. Thank you for your guidance with the KidMaCare study, with your assistance we managed to include approx. 150 children within 5 months! I highly value your willingness to support and help others. I enjoyed the Fridays at the office where we had the whole office for just the two of us.