Tamara van Donge

Acknowledgements 277 A Dr. Koch, dear Gilbert, thank you for your support and for helping me with ad hoc mathematical questions. Thank you as well for reminding me to always carefully read the confirmation of an accepted abstract and to accept this acceptation in case necessary. Dr. Smit, dear Cornelis, thank you for your support on the ibuprofen project. I learned a great deal from your expertise and I wish you and your family all the best in Sneek. Dr. Atkinson, dear Andrew, I appreciate all your support and time you made available for all my statistical questions. Dr. Leroux, dear Stéphanie, being a medical doctor with such an amount of knowledge on pharmacometrics, you are one of a kind. I enjoyed our conversations on technical issues and learned a great deal from you. Dr. Fuchs, dear Aline, thank you for your mentorship during my internship and for your continuing support on various antibiotic related projects. Hope to meet soon in Lausanne. To all my Paed Pharm colleagues, Aline, André, Andrew, Britta, Carole, Cornelis, Claudia, Dominic, Gilbert, Jantine, Linda, Lucia, Lywen, Marije, Mélanie, Michael, Paola, Patrick, Pratheev, Regina, Ricarda, Sara, Sarah, Stéphanie, Tatjana, Uri, Verena, Viktoria; I am very grateful to you for all the scientific and not-science-related discussions we had. I am looking back on a wonderful time with unforgettable Christmas dinners, skiing days with apéro and eating many ice creams outside in the sun. I really enjoyed the time at the department and as Ricarda would say, Carpe Diem! Dear Ricarda, special thanks to you for all the organizational aspects but also on all the tips on Swiss and Basel social activities. I have never encountered someone who is so helpful and caring as you are. For six months I was given the opportunity to spend time at the Clinical Pharmacometrics group at Hoffmann-La Roche. Dr. Djebli, dear Nassim, thank you for your supervision during this internship and teaching me the tricks of the trade on PBPK modeling, I consider myself very lucky to have been supervised by you. Dr. Baverel, dear Paul, thank you for your involvement and critical view and giving me the opportunity to share my research with the broader team. Dr. Parrott, dear Neil, thank you for your engagement on various projects during the last three years and for sharing your knowledge on drug absorption, I learned a great deal from you and I highly appreciate our lunches (meetings). Elena Guerini, a.k.a Wonderwoman, thank you for your immense support and making me feel a real part of the dream-team. Joining the EMA meeting was definitely one of the highlights for me, thank you for making this possible. Dr. Olivares-Morales, Andrés, thank you for your time and teaching me how to use SIVA. Dr. Bernhard Steiert, Dr. Sylvie Retout, Dr. Marie-Laure Delporte and Dr.