Margit Kooijman

108 TABLE 3. Univariate analysis of potential factors associated with change in severity of shoulder complaints (n = 1,013) * significant at p < 0.25 level Variables significant at the p < 0.25 level were entered in the multi-level analysis (model 1), which is shown in table 4. It shows that the personality trait extraversion has a significant relationship with change in severity of shoulder complaints. This suggests that therapists who tend to be more energetic and outgoing influence treatment outcome positively. At the patient level, higher age, longer duration and recurrent complaints had a statistically significant relationship with change in severity of complaints and predicted poorer outcome. TABLE 4. Multi-level analysis of factors associated with change in severity of shoulder complaints (n = 1,013) * significant at the p < 0.05 level Prognostic factors B SE 95% CI p Patient Age 0.008 0.004 0.000;0.017 0.05 * Gender (ref man) Woman 0.165 0.139 -0.108;0.438 0.24 * Referral (ref GP) Medical specialist 0.541 0.292 -0.031;1.114 0.06 * Direct access -0.021 0.149 -0.313;0.271 0.89 Duration of complaints (ref < 1 month) 1-3 months 0.040 0.168 -0.290;0.370 0.81 >3 months 0.639 0.166 0.314;0.965 <0.001 * Recurrent complaints (ref no) Yes 0.358 0.166 0.032;0.683 0.03* Origination (ref suddenly) Gradually 0.263 0.152 -0.034;0.560 0.08 * Therapist Age 0.010 0.014 -0.017;0.037 0.48 Gender (ref man) Woman -0.056 0.349 -0.740;0.628 0.87 Extraversion -0.436 0.326 -1.076;0.203 0.18 * Neuroticism 0.497 0.292 -0.075;1.069 0.09 * Agreeableness -0.231 0.423 -1.060;0.598 0.59 Conscientiousness -0.220 0.321 -0.849;0.409 0.49 Openness -0.074 0.323 -0.708;0.559 0.82 Prognostic factors B SE 95% CI p Patient Age 0.009 0.004 0.002;0.017 0.01 * Gender (ref man) 0.235 0.123 -0.006;0.476 0.06 Referral (ref GP) Medical specialist 0.395 0.259 -0.113;0.903 0.13 Direct access -0.116 0.132 -0.375;0.143 0.38 Duration of complaints (ref < 1 month) 1-3 months -0.080 0.151 -0.375;0.215 0.60 >3 months 0.390 0.152 0.091;0.689 0.01 * Recurrent complaints (ref no) Yes 0.340 0.150 0.047;0.634 0.02 * Origination (ref suddenly) Gradually -0.303 0.138 -0.300;0.240 0.83 Therapist Extraversion -0.567 0.257 -1.071;0-,064 0.03 * Neuroticism 0.219 0.239 -0.249;0.687 0.36 Intercept -5.006 0.190 -5.378;-4.633 <0.001 *