Margit Kooijman

60 MSU physiotherapists The digital questionnaire for MSU physiotherapists comprised of four sections: general information on the respondents, opinions and experiences with MSU in physiotherapy practice for the general patient population and for patients with shoulder complaints specifically, advantages and disadvantages and several propositions. It consisted of 33 open and close-ended questions and 13 propositions and took approximately 10 minutes to complete. The same check on scope, completeness and feasibility was carried out before it was sent to all respondents by email. Reminders (by email) were sent after one and three weeks. Data analysis Open-ended questions were read first, then summarized by topic by the first author. This grouping was discussed with two co-authors until consensus was reached. As for the practice owner questionnaire, non-response analyses were performed using t-tests and Chi-square tests (a = 0.05). To test differences between practices with and without MSU, Chi-square tests were used for categorical data and two-sample t-tests were used for continuous data. Data was checked for normal distribution. Results Practice owners Respondents Of the 1000 questionnaires distributed, 30 were returned because of incorrect addressing. In total, 560 responders completed the questionnaire of which 197 digitally and 363 by letter post. The net response rate was 58%. Table 1 presents the characteristics of responding and non-responding practice owners. It shows that respondents were statistically older in age than non-respondents, otherwise groups were comparable.