Margit Kooijman

MSU | 63 Opinion and experience with MSU Of the respondents, 89% (n = 58) used MSU in daily practice. These respondents were asked several questions on their use of MSU in physiotherapy practice for the general patient population and for patients with shoulder complaints specifically. In 37% of the new patients with shoulder complaints and in 4% of new patients in general, MSU is often (in > 75% of the patients) or always used (table 4). Almost 77% of the MSU physiotherapists agree with the proposition that ideally MSU should be used in all patients with shoulder complaints. TABLE 4. Opinions and experiences of MSU physiotherapists (%) (n = 58) * never: in 0% of patients, sometimes: 1-25%, regularly: 26-50%, usually: 51-75%, often: 76-99%, always: 100% In patients with shoulder complaints, MSU is mainly used for suspected tissue damage (84%) (table 5). About half of the respondents indicated that the results of the MSU scan regularly changed their initial diagnosis among patients with shoulder complaints (table 4). These results are much the same in the general patient population. Over 90% of the MSU physiotherapists indicated that they feel more confident in their choice of treatment because of MSU and 65% considered their treatment improved because of it. Never * Sometimes Regularly Usually Often Always How many times do you perform an echo in new patients with shoulder complaints? 4.1 8.2 20.4 30.6 26.5 10.2 How many times do you perform an echo in the general patient population? 0.0 44.9 40.8 10.2 4.1 0.0 How often does your initial diagnosis change in patients with shoulder complaints? 4.3 48.9 38.3 4.3 4.3 0.0 How often does your initial diagnosis change in the general patient population? 0.0 56.3 43.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 How often do you receive requests for MSU from colleagues for patients with shoulder complaints? 4.2 20.8 52.1 14.6 8.3 0.0 How often do you receive requests for MSU from colleagues for the general patient population? 2.1 41.7 43.7 4.2 8.3 0.0