Margit Kooijman

98 Kaergaard and Andersen (2000) 33 40 2 years Neck-shoulder disorders Working population % Recovery Work exposure n.s. Physical activity at leisure time n.s. Luime et al. (2004) 56 199 patients max 2 years Multivariate analysis Shoulder complaints Workers of nursing homes Recurrent complaints Duration of pre-treatment symptoms (>3 months) OR = 1.91 (1.36, 2.67) Age, gender, BMI, general health, working above shoulder level, repetitive movements, physical activity, physical workload, psychological factors (low job control, high work demands, low supervisory support, low support from colleagues) n.s. Miranda et al. (2001) 67 419 patients 12 months Individual factors: Multivariate analysis Shoulder pain Working population % Persistent severe pain Age < 35 OR = 1.0 Age 35 – 44 OR = 0.9 (0.3, 2.6) Age 45–54 OR = 3.6 (1.3, 10.2) Age ≥ 55 OR = 1.6 (0.5, 4.8) Sports activity added score > 156 vs < 52 OR = 0.7 (0.4, 1.3) Gender (female) OR = 0.7 (0.4, 1.2) Overload at work (definite vs none) OR = 3.8 (1.8, 8.0) Other work load factors (e.g.working above shoulder level), mental stress, body mass index n.s. Viikari- Juntura et al. (2000) 56 474 patients 60 days Multivariate analysis Neck-shoulder pain Occupational health service Sick leave >3 days Worker group (blue collar) OR = 6.8 (2.1, 22.4) Sick leave precedingexamination OR = 6.5 (2.1, 20.4) Symptom duration >7 days vs.0-2 days OR = 0.1 (0.0, 0.3) Continuous pain OR = 1.7 (0.5, 5.7) High pain intensity OR = 1.1 (0.3, 4.0) Interaction continuous pain x intensity OR = 5.2 (1.0, 28.1) Pain during rotation of the head OR = 7.8 (3.0, 20.1) Pain in shoulder in abduction of arm OR = 5.9 (2.7, 12.7) Other symptoms and signs n.s.