Wing Sheung Chan

Statistical interpretation and results 117 0.1 − 0 0.1 ) τ l → Z ( B Best-fit impact on 3P tau energy scale, detector, central region MET soft track scale -bin statistics) T p 3P fake factor (3rd -bin statistics) T p 3P fake factor (1st jet energy scale, grouped NP 1 jet energy resolution, effective NP 4 -bin) T p -bin 4th track- T p 1P fake factor (4th MET soft track resolution, parallel 1P tau energy scale, model, forward region cross section ll → Z )+jets cross section ν τ → ( W -bin statistics) T p 3P fake factor (4th -bin) T p -bin 2nd track- T p 1P fake factor (2nd -bin) T p -bin 3rd track- T p 1P fake factor (1st 3P tau energy scale, in-situ fit, forward region jet energy resolution, effective NP 7 -bin) T p -bin 3rd track- T p 1P fake factor (2nd tau identification eff., systematics MET soft track resolution, perpendicular 40 ≥ bin T p 1P tau identification eff., statistics Diboson backgrounds cross section top backgrounds cross section -bin) T p -bin 5th track- T p 1P fake factor (3rd -bin) T p -bin 5th track- T p 1P fake factor (4th 1P tau muon fake SF statistics -tagging efficiency b -jet b 1P tau energy scale, in-situ fit, forward region -bin) T p -bin 1st track- T p 1P fake factor (2nd -bin) T p -bin 4th track- T p 1P fake factor (2nd τ τ → Z overall yield of 3P tau energy scale, in-situ exp., forward region 3P tau energy scale, model, central region 3P tau energy scale, in-situ fit, central region 1P tau energy scale, model, central region overall yield of 3P fakes 1P tau energy scale, in-situ exp., forward region 3P tau energy scale, in-situ exp., central region overall yield of 1P fakes 1P tau energy scale, in-situ fit, central region 1P tau energy scale, in-situ exp., central region 2 − 1.5 − 1 − 0.5 − 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Best-fit value ATLAS s = 13 TeV, 139 fb -1 Best-fit nuisance parameter Best-fit normalisation factor impact σ Best-fit +1 impact σ Best-fit -1 Figure 6.4.: The best-fit values of the nuisance parameter ranked in their estimated impact on µ s for the µτ channel.