Arjen Lindenholz

117 Intracranial Atherosclerosis Assessed with 7T MRI 5 Table 1. Participant characteristics Participant characteristics ( n = 90) Total number (%) Mean age in years (range) 60 (27-85) Men 52 ( 58%) Mean body mass index (BMI, kg/m 2 ), (range) 26.1(18.1-37.5) Diagnosis Ischemic stroke 60 ( 67% ) Transient ischemic attack 25 ( 28% ) Amaurosis fugax 5 ( 6% ) Hypertension 46 ( 51%) Hyperlipidemia 44 ( 49%) Diabetes mellitus 11 ( 12%) Peripheral artery disease 1 ( 1%) Current smoker 28 ( 31% ) Former smoker 29 ( 32% ) Atrial fibrillation 11 ( 12% ) Angina pectoris 4 ( 4% ) Myocardial infarction 5 ( 6%) Average time between symptom onset to MRI in days (± SD) 24 (± 34) Participants imaged without contrast agent 7 ( 8% ) TOAST-criteria Large-artery atherosclerosis 47 ( 52% ) Cardiac embolism 19 ( 21% ) Small-vessel occlusion 5 ( 6% ) Other determined etiology 8 ( 9% ) Undetermined 11 ( 12% ) Note— TOAST, trial of ORG 10172 in acute stroke treatment. 22