Arjen Lindenholz

120 CHAPTER 5 Figure 4. Images in three participants with vessel wall lesions. All participants underwent pre- and postcontrast 7T transverse 3D T 1 -weighted magnetization-prepared inversion-recovery TSE images (TR 3952 ms, TE 37 ms, TI 1375 ms, voxel size 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 mm 3 ). ( A and D ) A 71-year-old man with a left-sided ischemic stroke scanned 46 days after symptom onset. Four vessel wall lesions were detected. Transverse pre- ( A ) and postcontrast ( D ) MRI show a vessel wall lesion in the left P1-segment (white arrows) that enhances after contrast agent administration. ( B and E ) A 46-year-old female with right-sided transient ischemic attack scanned 10 days after symptomonset. Three vessel wall lesions were detected. Transverse pre- ( B ) and postcontrast ( E ) MRI show a vessel wall lesion in the right M1-segment (white arrows) that enhances after contrast agent administration. ( C and F ) A 56-year-old man with a left-sided ischemic stroke scanned 65 days after symptom onset. Fifteen vessel wall lesions were detected. Transverse pre- ( C ) and postcontrast ( F ) MRI show a vessel wall lesion in the left M2-segment (white arrows) that enhances after contrast agent administration.