Arjen Lindenholz

131 Intracranial Atherosclerosis Assessed with 7T MRI 5 Supplemental Material Supplemental Table 1. Total number of observed vessel wall lesions Location Left (mean) Left enhancing (mean) Right (mean) Right enhancing (mean) Total (mean) Total enhancing (mean) Anterior cerebral artery A1 segment 7 (7.9%) B 0 (0%) E 10 (11.1%) A 1 (1.2%) D 17 1 A2 segment 3 (3.4%) C 0 (0%) D 9 (10,1%) B 3 (3.6%) D 12 3 Middle cerebral artery M1 segment 24 (26.7%) A 13 (15.7%) D 29 (32.6%) B 13 (15.7%) D 53 26 M2 segment 21 (25.9%) F 9 (11.1%) F 17 (20.5%) D 2 (2.4%) D 38 11 Internal carotid artery (Supra-)clinoid segment 27 (30.0%) A 13 (15.7%) D 34 (37.8%) A 16 (19.3%) D 61 29 Terminal segment 23 (25.6%) A 6 (7.2%) D 25 (28.0%) B 11 (13.4%) E 48 18 Posterior cerebral artery P1 segment 18 (20.5%) B 6 (7.2%) D 23 (25.8%) B 4 (4.8%) D 41 10 P2 segment 12 (13.5%) B 2 (2.4%) E 18 (20.2) B 5 (6.1%) E 30 7 Basilar Artery - - - - 33 (37.1%) B 15 (18.2%) E Vertebral Artery 23 (59.0%) G 11 (28.2%) G 16 (45.7%) H 5 (14.3%) H 39 16 Supplemental Table 1. The total number of (enhancing) vessel wall lesions, specified by arterial segment. Mean was calculated as total count of lesions divided by the total number of segments that could be assessed over all participants by one of the readers. Missing segments were due to motion artifacts, reduced vessel delineation due to the ischemic infarct, precontrast-only vessel wall MRI or – for the posterior circulation – when participants were scanned with a small FOV. In the analyses we corrected for the participants who did not undergo postcontrast vessel wall MRI ( n = 7) and for those who were scanned with a small FOV ( n = 45). The number of participants in whom a segment could be assessed: A n = 90, B n = 89, C n = 88, D n = 83, E n = 82, F n = 81, G n = 39, H n = 35 participants. FOV, field of view.