Arjen Lindenholz

140 CHAPTER 6 Results A total of 105 patients were included in the IVI study. Twenty-three patients were excluded because of reasons listed in Figure 1 , leaving a total of 82 patients for the current study. Baseline characteristics of the study participants are shown in Table 1 . Table 1. Baseline characteristics. Patient characteristics ( n = 82) Total number (%) Mean age in years (range) 61 (27-85) Men 49 (60%) Body mass index (BMI, kg/m 2 ), mean (range) 26 (18-35) Diagnosis Ischemic stroke 55 (67%) Transient ischemic attack 22 (27%) Transient monocular visual loss of vascular origin 5 (6%) Hypertension 40 (49%) Hyperlipidemia 39 (48%) Diabetes mellitus 10 (12%) Peripheral artery disease 0 (0%) Current smoker 26 (32%) Former smoker 27 (33%) Atrial fibrillation 10 (12%) Angina pectoris 4 (5%) Myocardial infarction 5 (6%) Average days from symptom onset to MRI in days ± SD 23 ± 34 Patients imaged without contrast agent 6 (7%) TOAST-criteria Large artery atherosclerosis 44 (54%) Cardio embolism 17 (21%) Small-vessel occlusion 5 (6%) Other determined etiology 5 (6%) Undetermined 11 (13%) Table 1. Patient characteristics for the studied population.