Arjen Lindenholz

154 CHAPTER 6 Supplemental Table 2. Overview of cerebral parenchymal changes, categorized by type. Type of infarct Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Anterior circulation Posterior circulation Total Cortical infarcts 52 70 112 10 122 Small subcortical infarcts 0 1 1 0 1 Lacunes of presumed vascular origin 22 32 49 5 54 Deep grey matter infarcts 10 11 18 3 21 Cortical microinfarcts 20* 23* 40* 3* 43* Type of white matter hyperintensities Score = 0 Score = 1 Score = 2 Score = 3 Total Periventricular white matter hyperintensities 14 44 14 10 82 Deep white matter hyperintensities 14 43 16 9 82 Supplemental Table 2. The total number and type of infarct scored over all patients (n = 82), specified by hemisphere and anterior vs. posterior circulation. For all patients the grade of white matter hyperintensities was scored, specified in periventricular or deep white matter hyperintensities. Fazekas grade was described as: 0 = absence or single punctate white matter hyperintensity (deep), 1 = ‘caps’ or pencil-thin lining or multiple punctate lesions, 2 = smooth ‘halo’ or beginning confluency of lesions, 3 = large confluent lesions or irregular hyperintensities extending into the deep white matter. 28 * Due to motion artifacts, the number of scans that could be assessed was 79.