Sonja Mensch

30 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Pubmed (N=356) Embase (N=431) Web of Science (N=600) PsycINFO (N=173) N=1560 Articles available for selection N=1166 Instruments excluded based on inclusion and exclusion criteria N=25 (articles excluded N=81) Articles available for selection based on full text N=99 Instruments available for selection extracted of 99 articles N=33 Instruments included in the review N=8 (articles included N=18) Articles excluded Double entries N=394 Articles excluded based on title N=933 based on abstract N=134 N=1067 Figure 1 Flow chart for literature search and instrument selection Figure 1. Flow chart for literature search and instrument selection Instrument selection Eight measurement instruments were identified in 18 studies for which one or more psychometric properties were evaluated in totally 18 studies: 1) The Chailey Levels of Ability (CLA), 2) Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88), 3) Modified Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale (MHFMS), 4) Lower Extremity physical functioning and mobility skills (LE85), 5) Motor Function Measure scale (MFM), 6) Top Down Motor Milestone Test (TDMMT), 7) Vulpe Assessment Battery (VAB) and 8) Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM). One instrument, the TDMMT, was specifically developed for children with SMD. Characteristics such as target group, aim, method, construct of the instrument and ICF-CY domain of the eight included instruments are shown in Table 3.