Sonja Mensch

32 Chapter 2 Table 3. (continued) Name instrument Target group Characteristics Aim 1 Method ICF-CY 2 Construct Reference Top Down Motor Milestone Test (TDMMT) Individuals with severe and profound multiple disabilities Evaluative Observation Activity Consists of the movement skills sitting, standing and walking that are assumed to be the physical skills required in order to accomplish functional skills, such as expressive language and self-care. The movement skills are structured into 16 categories. It consists in total of 74 items, sequenced according in four levels of function, which describe the amount of independent mobility. (Putten van der et al., 2005) Vulpe Assessment Battery (VAB) Children with disabilities 0-6 years Evaluative Observation Body function and activities The items of the VAB-GM (Gross Motor) are similar to the PDMS-GM. Based on a 1-7 point ordinal scale Composed of six sub tests. Reflexes, locomotion (89 items), balance (30 items), receipt and throwing objects (24 items). (Jain, Turner, &Worrell, 1994) Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM) Young children with physical, cognitive or developmental impairments from birth to 3 years of age Discriminative Evaluative Proxy report Participation and activities The 36 items measure early function in 3 domains: motor (16 items), cognitive (13 items) and behavioral perceptions (7 items). The motor domain measures physical functioning. Each item is rated on a 3-level ordinal scale. (Niewczyk & Granger, 2010) 1 Aim of an instrument: Evaluative instruments measure longitudinal change. Predictive instruments are used classify individuals against an external criterion and are intended for diagnostic, prognostic or screening purposes. Discriminative instruments are used to quantify differences between individuals when no external criterion exists. (Hankins, 2008) 2 International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (World Health Organization, 2008)