Sonja Mensch

64 Chapter 3 the maximum scores. Apart from standardized scoring, there is room for written detail information too, because execution of motor abilities may vary in different specific situations (e.g. different types of wheelchairs). The users’ manual instructs the user to write down examples of such detail information are added to the items. The instrument was named Movakic ( mo tor e va luation in k ids with i ntellectual and c omplex disabilities). Information for therapists was written in a first draft of a user manual, in which the guiding principles, structure and application of the instrument are explained. Descriptions of the most common terms are given, such as reaching, grasping and different forms of support. The scoring procedure is explained. Step 3: First evaluation of applicability Movakic was completed for 53 children, 35 boys and 28 girls, mean age 8.1 (range 2-17) years. The mean number of situations scored was 7 out of 11 (range 6-8). Mean completion time per situation was 9 minutes (range 6-15) and mean total completion time was 61 minutes (range 46-90 minutes). The content (validity) of the test items and relevance of the items was good according to all therapists. On a scale of 1 (very easy) to 10 (very difficult), mean difficulty score of the questionnaire was 2.8 (range 1-7). The mean therapists’ judgment score of the correspondence of Movakic total score with the therapists’own clinical judgment was 8.5 (range 8-9). In addition, for assessingMovakic’s applicability in adults, Movakic was completed by 10 physical therapists for 15 adults with SMD, sevenwomen and eight menwith amean age of 40 years (range 19-65). Mean completion time for two situations was 18 minutes (range 10-30 minutes). The content of the test items and relevance of the items was good according to all therapists. On a scale of 1 (very easy) to 10 (very difficult), mean difficulty score of the questionnaire was 4.2 (range 2-7). The mean therapists’ judgment score of the correspondence of Movakic total score with the therapists’ clinical judgment was 8.1 (range 7-9). All physical therapists were satisfied with the structure and contents of the instrument and offered practical suggestions for improvement, including the addition of an extended training. As a result of the practical suggestions for improvement the answer category is modified into a five-point likert scale, items about moving around were added and a group consisting of a cluster of items on motor abilities specific used in care-situations was added. In the appendix B the modified version of Movakic is adapted. Content validity From the general requirements on content validity (see table 1) all answers of item one till four were scored as yes, item five was scored as no. The relevance of the Movakic items to the construct of measuring motor abilities, to the study population and to the