Sonja Mensch

80 Chapter 4 Each of 37 experienced therapists working in the centers, who all had more than 10 years experience with the target population, selected one or two of their own clients. Informed consent by parents or legal representatives was obtained from all participants. Movakic Movakic is a questionnaire consisting of items on motor abilities; the complete questionnaire is shown in the appendix of the design article (Mensch et al., 2015). All terminology used is based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY) terminology (World Health Organization., 2008). Motor abilities are distributed over 13 ‘situations’ (see Table 1), each representing a client’s body position with or without the use of a device. Within each situation, a cluster of items addresses four groups of motor abilities: maintaining position, activities, changing body position, and moving around. Questions are asked about the extent in which manual support or support from a device was needed, the own activity of the child, and the extent of aiding the child manually i.e. ‘provocation’ of the child with your hands. Table 1. Structure of Movakic Positions Lying Sitting Standing Situations (13) → Grouping of motor abilities ↓ 1 Supine 2 Supine with device 3 Prone 4 Prone with device 5 Side 6 Side with device 7 Flat surface 8 Dangling legs 9 Chair/ sitting device 10 Feet on subsurface 11 Without device 12 With device 13 Care situation Maintaining position Items (see table 3) with questions (table 4) on 1 Intensity manual or support by device 2 Activity of the child 3 Intensity of manual facilitation/ stimulation Activities Changing body position Moving around Movakic has to be completed by professional therapists who are familiar with the clients’ motor performance on the basis of longer treatment experience with the child, and not on performance of activities in a specific test situation, which is the basis of most other observational instruments. Scoring of motor abilities in this group should not depend on functioning in a single test situation only, because performance may worsen under the influence of lack of attention, fatigue, bad health, medication use,