Sonja Mensch

81 Reliability of Movakic or unfamiliar circumstances (Mensch et al., 2015b). Because all children have different abilities or disabilities and different therapeutic goals, only the questions regarding situations that are relevant to the child need to be scored: A situation could be relevant if a baseline measurement is desired for future follow-up, if therapeutic changes are expected in a certain situation, or for evaluating change in motor ability. All items are scored on a five-point Likert-scale. Scores on the left-hand side always represent lower and scores on the right-hand side represent higher scores in motor function (range 0-4 points). An example of an item is given in Table 2. Table 2: example of an item including the sub-questions 1-Maintaining sitting What is the extent of manual support you gave the child to maintain this position?      Full None What is the child’s level of activity?      Full Passive Full Active What is your the extent of facilitation to stimulate the motor ability?      Full None The maximum scores of the 13 situations will differ because of the variable cluster of items. Therefore, per situation, absolute scores are converted into percentages (situation score divided by maximum situation score x 100). For the remainder of this paper, this percentage will be referred to as the ‘Movakic score’. Movakic is provided on-line through a secure Internet site. The completion of the instrument on the screen starts by the items and their questions for the chosen situation. Per question, only one answer (one button) can be selected. Modifications are allowed until the “save” button is pressed. During the study period, participating physiotherapists could not check the results of the Movakic score after completion of the questionnaire. It was only after the study ended and all data was collected that they received a report with the scores for each child. Procedure The reliability study is part of a longitudinal study for which participating therapists were instructed in the use of the instrument and the study procedure during a one-day training session on the application and the user manual. Data collection was performed from August 2010 to October 2011. Therapists were requested to complete Movakic six