Sonja Mensch

82 Chapter 4 times (T0-T5) in a period of 18 months. Intervals of three months were chosen based on standardized evaluation periods in clinical practice and changes in this period are not expected in the target population if no specific events occur. In order to evaluate inter-rater reliability, a second therapist who was also familiar with the client’s motor performance, if available, completed Movakic at baseline. For this reliability study, therapists were requested to choose a situation per child, containing a cluster of the items of Movakic. Therapists were asked to note events that might have influenced the child’s scores during each interval. Because of their frequent contacts with the child, its parents, and its carers and other therapists in the day-care setting, physiotherapists were well aware of medical conditions, medication changes, changes in the care teams or at home, and other events. For the current reliability study, scores between two measurement periods in which no events took place were chosen, so called T0-T1 (see figure 1). Phys Med Rehabil Int 2(9): id1069 (2015) - Page - 02 esign tional n and d over sition ster of sition, ns are rom a ent of your who sis of ance most n this ation ce of miliar ilities stions cored: esired ertain n the The reliability study is part of a longitudinal study for which participating therapists were instructed in the use of the instrument and the study procedure during a one-day training session on the application and the user manual. Data collection was performed from August 2010 to October 2011. Therapists were requested to complete Movakic six times (T0-T5) in a period of 18 months. Intervals of three onths were ch sen based on s andardized evaluation periods in clinical practice and changes in this period are not expected in the target population if no specific events occur. In order to evaluate inter-rater reliability, a second therapist who was also familiar with the client’s motor performance, if available, completed Movakic at baseline. For this reliability study, therapists were requested to choose a situation per child, containing a cluster of the items of Movakic. Providing Movakic score by second therapist Inter-rater reliability Baseline/ T0 Child characteristics Choose a situation Providing Movakic score T1 (-T5) Registering events Providing Movakic score Test- retest reliability Figure 1: Flow chart of study procedure. Scores between two measurement periods in which no events took place were so called T0-T1. Figure 1. Flow chart of study procedure. Scores between two measurement periods in which no events took place were so called T0-T1 We recorded the child’s sex, ag , estim ted cognitive developmental age, GMFCS level, diagnosis, comorbid conditions, and devices, which we asked the child’s therapist to provide.