Sonja Mensch

89 Reliability of Movakic CONCLUSION In this study, test-retest and inter-rater reliability were examined of a newly developed instrument, Movakic, to evaluate motor abilities of the specific subgroup of children with SMD (Mensch et al., 2015b). Test-retest reliability was evaluated in 50 children and inter-rater reliability in 19 children with SMD. For both test-retest and inter-rater reliability, intraclass correlations of Movakic scores and of sub-scores for four groups of motor abilities were all excellent or good. Adequate absolute reliability was reflected in a small mean distance of Movakic scores and in the accuracy of individual scores, representing a normal variation. In addition, from this study we can conclude Movakic is a reliable instrument for measuring motor abilities in children with SMD. But before the implementation of Movakic for clinical evaluation of motor abilities in children with SMD, its responsiveness and construct validity have to be evaluated first. Acknowledgements Ipse de Bruggen, care organization for peoplewith intellectual disabilities andNuts Ohra Fund (nr 1102-045) financed this research. The authors are grateful to the participating therapists for their accurate and convincing collaboration. These participating therapists were from different care organizations all over the Netherlands; Stichting Omega, ‘s Heeren Loo, ASVZ, Zozijn, Stichting Tragel, NOVO, SWZ, Esdégé Reigersdaal, Kempenhaeghe, Kleur (Dichterbij), Schutse, ZMLK school de Kom, Gemiva-SVG, De Hartekamp groep, stichting de Driestroom and Ipse de Bruggen. Declaration of interests We certify that no party that contributed to the results of this research has or will benefit from its publication nor will any organization with which we are associated. If applicable, we certify that all financial and material support for this research and work are clearly identified in the title page of the manuscript. Conflicts of interest: none to declare.