Gersten Jonker

100   Chapter 4 I feel I have a long way to go, before I’m ready to be a resident. . . . I now know where my gaps are and which areas to improve upon. (P8) The simulation pretest made the students more aware of the goals and expectations of the dedicated transitional year, and the students expected it to direct their learning in their final year. They were keen to exploit the learning opportunities in the year ahead. Without the simulations, I also would have started my final year clerkships. But perhaps I would have been more passive. Now I really want to get the most out of this year. (P2) I assume I will experience this [similar situations] multiple times in the year ahead, and that I will progress. So, it’ll probably be all fine in the end. (P8) From now on, when situations like these occur, I may perceive them differently. Meaning, I’ll try to engage more with what’s happening at the time. Also, as a means to prepare me for the posttest. (P11) It is very informative to know what’s expected from you once you qualify. . . . It’s a sort of guideline, outlining the gaps in my knowledge. It demonstrates what I should study in greater depth or what I should pay attention to during my clerkships. (P9) I didn’t mind being tested on a more advanced level. [It is] just something to work toward. I now know where I stand today and where I’ll hopefully be at the end of the year. (P5) Aftermath Many students felt “exhausted” and “mentally tired” on the day of the simulation, but some felt “euphoric” or “energetic.” Some students realized they had gone through something special: I realized this is a unique experience nobody or hardly anybody frommy medical school will have. (P2) Everybody enjoyed the simulation, describing it as “fun.” Students emphasized this, stating that although the simulation was intense and stressful, they still had a great time and enjoyed it. The enjoyable aspect of the simulation for the students was solving a puzzle and realizing they could handle complex medical situations to a certain degree.