Gersten Jonker

A better transition with the ACTY   111 5 We explored differences between groups in mean modality scores, in the pre-test, the post-test, and in gain between pre- and post-test, for statistical significance with one- way ANOVA. We used post hoc independent samples t-tests to evaluate differences between two groups. Statistical significance was assumed at p<.05. We used cumulative odds ordinal logistic regression with proportional odds to determine the effect of group type on domain GRS. We report differences between groups as odds ratios. RESULTS All 33 ACTY students during the inclusion period participated in the study (group ACTY). They spent 24 weeks in three different sub-internships in anesthesia (24.2%), cardiology (25.3%), emergency medicine (18.2%), intensive care medicine (27.3%) and pulmonology (5.1%). The 21 participants in the student comparison group (group C), 10 for the pre-test and post-test, and 11 for the post-test only, had chosen a median of 2 acute care related sub- internships (range 1 – 3), spending a median of 12 weeks (range 6 – 24) in anesthesia (15%), cardiology (25%), emergency medicine (20%), intensive care medicine (20%) and pulmonology (15%). The 17 PNITs (group P) had a mean clinical experience of 5.5 months (range 3.5 – 8.0) in anesthesia (6%), cardiology (12%), emergency medicine (24%), or intensive care medicine (59%). Figure 1 displays participant flow. No participants withdrew from the study. Some participants in group ACTY and group C were unable to attend the post-test. In all groups, a few participants could only partly attend the post-test.