Gersten Jonker

A better transition with the ACTY   113 5 Test modality scores At baseline, there were no statistically significant differences between group ACTY and group C in mean scores on the knowledge test, CBDs, and OSCEs (for statistical details, see Appendix 2). On simulations, there was a statistically significant difference in means, with students in group ACTY having significantly higher scores than students in group C (p=.026, mean difference 6 (2), 95% CI 1 – 11). In thepost-test (Table2), therewereno statistically significant differences ingroupmeans on the knowledge exam and CBDs (Appendix 2). There were statistically significant differences in group means for OSCEs (p=.01) and simulations (p=.001). Group ACTY (p=.004, mean difference 8 (3), 95% CI 3 – 13) and group P (p=.026, mean difference 5 (2), 95% CI 1 – 10) had significant higher mean scores on OSCEs than group C. Group ACTY (p=.036, mean difference 7 (3), 95% CI 1 – 13) and group P (p<.001, mean difference 12 (3), 95% CI 6 – 18) had significantly higher mean scores on simulations than group C. Group P had a significantly higher mean score on simulations than group ACTY (p=.019, mean difference 6 (2), 95% CI 1 – 10). There were no statistically significant differences between means in gain between pre-test and post-test scores of group ACTY and group C for all assessment modalities (Appendix 2). TABLE 2: Post-test mean scores (in percentage of maximum score) on four assessment modalities Assessment modality Group ACTY Group C Group P n Mean (SD) 95% CI n Mean (SD) 95% CI n Mean (SD) 95% CI Knowledge 29 67 (11) 63 – 71 19 63 (13) 56 – 69 16 67 (7) 63 – 70 CBDs 29 79 (11) 75 – 84 19 72 (10) 67 – 77 16 79 (9) 74 – 84 OSCEs 29 74 (9) * 71 – 78 19 67 (8) *† 63 – 70 16 72 (5) † 69 – 75 Simulations 27 65 (8) ‡ ** 62 – 69 14 59 (11) ‡§ 52 – 65 17 71 (6) § ** 68 – 74 ACTY= Acute Transitional Year group, C= student comparison group, P= PNIT comparison group. CBD= case-based discussion, OSCE= objective structured clinical examination. Assessment modality scores expressed as % of maximum obtainable score, as group mean (SD= standard deviation) and 95% confidence interval (CI). * p=.004; † p=.026; ‡ p=.036; § p<.001; ** p=.019 Global rating scores In all groups in the post-test, on global ratings of overall station performance, assessors most often scored “meets expectations” on CBDs and least often on simulations (Table 3).